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This section contains pages that deal with topics related to photography.
(entries prefixed with an * are optimized for Retina displays)
...all over again: Getting to know the X100S |
Salvaging botched images from a Photo CD |
It's not cheating, it's indispensable! |
What it is like to shoot film in the digital age |
Extending my experimenting with analog photography |
A mix of Ektar 100 and Portra 400 images |
Moving from Nikon to Fujifilm |
A look at the various simulations available on the X-T30 |
Shooting Kodak T-Max400 black-and-white film with the Nikkormat FT2 |
Shooting Kodachrome 25 on Groix in 1976 |
DxO introduces DeepPRIME, making the best raw converter even better |
A selection of unrelated photos taken with different cameras |
Doing in-cameras RAF to JPG conversions—on the computer |
Another selection of miscellaneous photos taken over the years |
Comparing ON1's NoNoise AI with DxO's DeepPRIME |
Re-processing old favorites with DxO PhotoLab 5 and DeepPRIME |
Looking at the the evolution of DxO PhotoLab and DeepPRIME |
Getting good JPEGs without post-processing |
* People |
A sampler of people photos taken over the years |
Correcting keystone effects and other distortions |
Why I have chosen Fujifilm as my camera platform of choirs |
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This page was last modified on Febrary 1, 2025
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