After Nathalie's contribution to the Amadeus baby pool with Kévin, it was Laure's turn to prove that working in Product Releasing and Quality Assurance appears to give people an amazing ability to produce the most wonderful, bug-free, and otherwise perfect in every respect babies. But see for yourself!
Vincent was born on Thursday, November 11, 1999 at 6 P.M. At birth, he weighed 3.3 kilograms (7.3 pounds). Instead of the usual "stress test" on Amadeus premises, Laure invited the whole department to her house so we could all meet, hold, and cuddle the new arrival. This took place on December 10, so Vincent was almost exactly one month old. He did not seem to be perturbed by all the visitors and was quite happy to meet all the staff.
There was a ton of delicious food (and none of it for Vincent...)
A greeting from Vincent and Christophe
Patrick and John
Thomas (always close to the bar...) and a sleepy Vincent
Nap time with bunny
Yves and Laure, the proud parents
Taking turns with Vincent:
Hervé (practicing?) and Nicolas
Nathalie, and back to Mom
Three months later...
Thursday, March 9, 2000: Wide awake! (Photo by Yves & Laure)
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This page was last modified on November 10, 2002
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