
These are photos of the first annual (at least!) Product Releasing and Quality Assurance Picnic. It took place on Friday, July 23, 1999. We didn't go far: one table and the necessary number of chairs mysteriously vanished from the cafeteria terrace shortly before lunch; they were set up in the woods behind the building where we work in a scene strangely reminiscent of Le déjeuner sur l'herbe (with better food).

Missing (in alphabetical order and for various reasons) were Charles, Christophe, John, and the two Patricks. It was a lot of fun! Thanks to the organizers and shoppers! (Photos marked with an asterisk were taken by Laure)

Tina and Laure

Tina and Laure

Eric   Nathalie

Eric and Nathalie

Hervé   Nicolas

Hervé and Nicolas

Stephen   Jerome

Stephen* and Jerome*

Daniel   Hilal and Stephen

Daniel* and Hilal & Stephen

Nathalie, Nicolas, Daniel, and Thomas

Nathalie, Nicolas, Daniel, and Thomas*

Thomas van Damme

Thomas "van Damme" trying to impress Stephen, Jerome, and Nathalie

Hervé, Laure, and Thomas

Hervé and Laure are cleaning up while Thomas is having fun...

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