Eric's Graduation (1 of 2)

The Graduates by the Pool
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While we have a beautiful (if we say so ourselves) movie of David's graduation, we have next to no photographs of the event because making the
movie occupied all of Daniel's time. For Eric's graduation, making the movie was once again a full time endeavor, but this time we had a still photographer:
David enthusiastically volunteered to carry the D70 and the SB-800 flash unit. As is obvious from these two pages, he did a fine job, particularly considering
that the lighting conditions in the main hall were pretty bad.
These photos were all taken in or outside of the Grand Hotel Mercure in Sophia Antipolis on Friday, May 27, 2005. We dedicate them to Eric
and his friends who literally worked two thirds of their lives for the diploma they received that day. David made every effort to include photos of everyone in Eric's circle of friends; nevertheless, a a few key people missing. This is certainly not intentional, and we apologize for any omission.
Enjoy the memories of this day; you all deserve it!
Socializing Before the Ceremony
The Grand Entrance
The Ceremony
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This page was last modified on September 26, 2005
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