Contacting Us


We are always glad to receive email, even if we do not know the sender. Since this site has been operational (mid-1995), we have answered a huge number of questions about how it feels to live here, what the area is like, and so on. A great many of these requests have come from students who have to do projects that in one way or another pertain to France.

In all this time, we have never failed to answer a single mail, though it is not always possible to write back as quickly as people would like. Nor do we feel that we should be in the business of writing essays ourselves. This is an excerpt of an actual mail we once received:

"What is France like? I need this for school. 2000 to 3000 words would be great. I would like by tomorrow if it is not too much trouble."

We usually answer this type of mail by asking the sender to be much more specific. The more effort we feel someone puts into a query, and the more specific the questions are, the more we are inclined to provide answers that will be helpful. We also like to know a little bit about the person who is contacting us. A few details about the sender are always welcome. Bottom line: we're glad to help, if we can, but please be reasonable.

To contact us, please use one of the following links:

Send an email to Daniel's private mailbox
(checked every day)

Send us comments or questions about this site
(checked every day. This mail link also appears at the bottom of every page)

Report a problem with this site
(checked every day)

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This page was last modified on April 26, 2016
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