Between April 24 and June 4, 1975, while living in Neuchâtel (Switzerland) at the "Maison d'étudiants de Champréveyres," I made a photo album of faces and places with the idea to have something to remember this fabulous time by. I still have the album and often look at it with pleasure. The fact that more than a quarter of a century has elapsed since these pictures were taken seems to be a good opportunity to post them in this space and thus share them with those who were there. The toughest part was to select just a few of what must be close to 200 photographs. I was amazed to find that I did not have pictures of certain people while I did have shots of others that were far less part of my life. I am therefore looking to add to my collection of photographs from the Champréveyres era.
So... if your picture appears on this page and you have not heard from me in a long time, or if your picture does not appear here and you think it should, PLEASE send me an email. I would be delighted to hear from you!
Daniel (May 1, 1975)
Susan C. and Richard (not what you think). May 8, 1975
Susan C. and Daniel (not what you think, either). May 8, 1975
Valerie and Michel (just what you think, at least at the time). May 8, 1975
Richard (April 24, 1975) and Vera (May 8, 1975)
Caty (April 24, 1975) and Hanspeter (June 4, 1975)
Georgios (April 24, 1975) and Daniel (May 18, 1975)
I really am looking for more pictures to complete my collection, so if you have photos of yourself or other students who lived in Champréveyres, I'm looking forward to your email. So far, I have recveived the following from Susan P. and Dieter and Helga. Thank you!
Susan P. and Vicki (in Susan's room, 1976)
Susan P. and François (in Susan's room, 1976)
Daniel and Helga (Bürgenstock, May 18, 1976)
Helga, Dieter, and Daniel (Bürgenstock, May 18, 1976)
This page was last modified on August 16, 2006
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