View from the Place de la Castre
As regular visitors to this web site know, Le Suquet is the part of the old town of Cannes that is built on and around a hill that overlooks the rest of the city. Not only is the view from the top spectacular, but the crooked and winding streets and stairways lend the place a particular charm, to say nothing of the many fine restaurants one can find here. This is, after all, France! For the last five years, a new festival has been celebrated in June, Le Suquet en fleurs, or Le Suquet fleuri (I'd translate both somewhat loosely as "Suquet in bloom"). For this, the inhabitants of what used to be an independent village decorate the streets, squares, and fountains with all kinds of floral arrangements. Some of the locals wear traditional costumes, and of course there is music. We only became aware of this celebration this year, and naturally we had to check it out. On Sunday, June 20, 2010, we walked around Le Suquet under threatening skies (we did, at some point, feel a couple of drops of rain, but that was it) and took a few photos. We hope you enjoy the stroll; be sure not to miss seeing and hearing the band!
Click on any image to see a larger (1600 x 900 pixel) version!
The square in front of the church... | decorated with flowers made of flowers |
The Place de la Castre |
On the Place de la Castre |
The view eastward over the town... |
...and westward to the Esterel |
Some of the locals are wearing... |
...colorful traditional costumes |
Even the kids participate |
This man would not be out of place in a Marcel Pagnol film! |
Sometimes you have to move closer... | see what is being displayed |
The same idea can be used... |
...with a different color scheme |
A flower skirt for this Degas dancer... |
...surrounded by beautiful blossoms |
Red and white |
Orange and green |
A fountain decorated with flowers |
Click the photo to see and hear the band! |
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This page was last modified on July 18, 2010
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