Some photos from "our village". Even though we live in the park of Sophia Antipolis, we are still part of the Valbonne township. For more information about the village, you check the village's page on the Provence -- Beyond the French Riviera web site. Unless otherwise specified, all pictures were taken on July 5, 1998.
The arcades in the center of the village
The center of the old village (April 25, 1999)
Café des Arcades (April 18, 2004)
Main Street (April 18, 2004)
The outer part of the old village (April 25, 1999)
The old "mairie" (town hall)
The new "mairie" (July 8, 2001)
One of the many street cafés in Valbonne
Market day in the village
Evening in Valbonne (May 18, 2001)
The old church (May 18, 2001)
One painted and one real Valbonne cat
This page was last modified on February 7, 2005
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