Daniel’s iPhone Photo Blog
Daniel’s iPhone Photo Blog
Monday, July 6, 2009
The weather around here has been awful: extremely hot with humidity levels above 90%, in short, a mugginess resembling our worst New York memories. No wonder, then, that one doesn’t feel like eating hot meals! The other day, when we were at Cap 3000, I had a wonderful treat from the self-service restaurant’s fruit bar: grapes, pineapples, strawberries, peaches, kiwi, melon... truly refreshing. This is also a good time for salads, gazpacho, cold cuts, sorbet... anything to avoid heating up the kitchen or consuming warm food. An end is not in sight just yet; the occasional short downpours in the evening are not enough cool things down and only serve to increase the already sky-high humidity. A (short) blizzard would be nice...