Daniel’s iPhone Photo Blog
Daniel’s iPhone Photo Blog
Ebony and Ivory
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I’m off for two days because of a gastroenteritis; that’s the thing we used to call an upset stomach and that our mothers would cure with spoonfuls of chicken soup. Now, of course, it’s gotten a bit more complicated. If one is going to be out of work for a couple of days (more for the sake of the coworkers) one needs a doctor’s certificate, and so this morning I found myself sitting in an empty waiting room when these two chairs caught my eye. Mentally humming “Ebony and Ivory”, I took out my iPhone and captured the scene. A few minutes later, the waiting room was almost full. Looks like I timed it just right this time, no small feat for the guy who unerringly picks the wrong line in supermarkets, banks, post offices... A small triumph, true, but it made me feel better already.